The famous movie Gozilla has always reminded us of ‘Size Matters!’ But in last April when it came to judging a person’s ability at work and his/her professionalism, it appeared the opposite. For this person, size doesn’t really matter! Although she is small-framed by nature, she stands tall at work. Although she looks all cute and adorable, she is determined and capable in overcoming hardship at all costs.

In April 2011, she is our Employee of the Month who is worth a big round of applause! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you our charming, adorable Venusian at Exabytes, our beloved Account Assistant, Jessica Sim!!

Not only is Jessica extremely helpful to juniors in guiding them, she is highly dedicated and has never minded putting in extra hours to clear up aging invoices. She enjoys mixing around with almost everyone in the office, and is known to be exceptionally patient even under work pressure.

And the following just give us more reasons to choose her as our EOTM April 2011:

  • Very good in task arrangement with team members
  • Takes the initiative to clear aging invoices by following up accordingly
  • Goes the extra mile to guide juniors
  • Takes the initiative to work overtime
  • Gets problems solved in short period
  • Are good friends to everyone in the office
  • Very patient even under work pressure
  • Willing to take extra responsibilities

Congratulations Jessica! You have proven that ‘size doesn’t matter’!