php 7.4.0Announcement: We would like to announce that the PHP version of all our Linux Web Hosting plans are available for PHP 7.4.0 version update.

If you wish to update your PHP version to the latest version, please feel free to login to your cPanel to make an updates. Be sure you have a recent, good backup of your site you can use to restore from if an update or upgrade goes horribly wrong.


How to set PHP 7.4.0 version on Exabytes Web Hosting?

  1. Login to your Web Hosting Control Panel through our client-area portal
  2. Choose the hosting plans that you wish to configure


3. Login to Control Panel

php 7.4

4. Choose “PHP Selector” app under the “Software” category inside your cPanel

php 7.4

5. Select the PHP version you wish (in this case is PHP 7.4.0) to update and apply.

php 7.4


PHP 7.4.0 comes with numerous improvements and new features such as:

  • Typed Properties
  • Arrow Functions
  • Limited Return Type Covariance and Argument Type Contravariance
  • Unpacking Inside Arrays
  • Numeric Literal Separator
  • Weak References
  • Allow Exceptions from __toString()
  • Opcache Preloading
  • Several Deprecations
  • Extensions Removed from the Core

For more details on PHP 7.4.0, please read more on PHP 7.4.0 official announcement page.