Honesty is the best policy… Exabytes is being awarded for its honesty!

Last Saturday, it was a pleasant evening for everyone from Exabytes. The 6th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise – Keris Award 2007 was held at Berjaya Time Square Hotel and Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

It was a grand ceremony where Minister/Deputy Minister presented the honesty award to all the winners. Exabytes team represented by 10 smart looking boys and girls made us here in Penang prouder than ever.

So, back to this Keris Award thing, here’s a list of what Exabytes – The proud winner of Malaysia’s ONLY honest web hosting company – will get!

(1) Winner’s privilege seat – 2 seats
(2) Guest seats – 10 seats
(3) Trophy presented by Minister/ Deputy Minister
(4) Photo portrait with Minister/ Deputy Minister (11R)
(5) Professional VCD summary for the whole day event by TV station
(6) Eligible to use the logo of the award of the year for publicity purpose for two (2) years from the date of receiving the award.
(7) Company Profile on Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award-Book Of Record 2007
(8) Recognised by InterAmerican University (Instituitional Member of the United Nations Associations of the United States) and be granted as a Master Degree or Doctorate, based on Inter American University’s standard pf evaluation on working experience, highest qualification, contribution to the societies, countries, etc.
(9) Entitlement to be the Honorary Member of the Entrepreneur Development Association Malaysia (Membership waived).
(10) Privilege to participate in the seminars and activities organised by Entrepreneur Development Association Malaysia.
(11) Trade Mission to China – Invited by China Municipal Government.
(12) Help the winner to promote exchange links and business contact between enterprises, especially China and Asean countries.

Wow! A dozen of benefits for being an honest enterprise!

The night ended with lucky draw and one of Exabytes employees got so lucky and won himself an Alpine Water Filter!

Here are the smart and beautiful faces!

Our CEO – Chan





Some other Exabytes team members!






Last but not least… here’s the trophy and the logo!



Cheers to everyone that makes this possible! Exabytes will continue to serve all our customers honestly and sincerely! We will make it better every day!